The Importance of Hole Drilling in the Construction Industry

If you have a construction project in the works, investing in hole drilling is essential. Hole drilling is when you use commercial drilling equipment to perform core, rock, pier, or exploratory drilling. It’s a vital part of the construction process because it will tell you more about the ground that you’re building on, how stable it is, and more. 

Hole drilling is also necessary for installing micropiles when you need a stronger and sturdier foundation than with a typical construction project. At El Paso Drilling, our hole drills can reach up to 200 feet deep into the soil and install micropiles that can support hundreds of tons. Whether you need micropiles or not, however, hole drilling is a crucial step involved with any El Paso construction project. Contact us online or call (915) 479-7060 to learn more.

Understand Your Soil

The main reason that hole drilling is an integral part of El Paso construction is because soil in the Southwest is unpredictable. There are tons of different types of rock and soil that you might be building on, and what’s below the surface could be different from what’s on top of it. 

The only way you’ll know for sure is if you perform hole drilling in El Paso to retrieve soil samples so that you can send them off to a lab for testing. The results will tell you if you’re building your foundation on reliable soil or if you need to come up with Plan B. 

Find Underground Utilities 

Another reason hole drilling is important is because it will help you spot underground utilities before you dig into them. Underground utilities, such as water lines, electrical wires, gas pipes, and communication wires, don’t always show up on blueprints and schematics, depending on how old they are and who installed them. Therefore, if you know that there are utilities close by and you need to know their exact location, hole drilling is the way to go. 

Personal Safety 

In addition to saving you tons of money on costly repairs, hole drilling will also keep you and your workers safe and healthy. Accidentally digging into an electrical wire or gas line, for example, can be hazardous to whoever is doing the digging. Therefore, by digging holes to locate these utilities, you might very well be saving the lives of your workers. 

Build a Firmer Foundation 

If you dig a few test holes to retrieve core samples and discover that the soil is bad for several layers, you will need to come up with Plan B. In most cases, this means drilling micropiles that go hundreds of feet into the soil to ensure a solid and firm foundation. Micropiles can only be installed with professional El Paso hole drilling services, so contact us if you find yourself in this type of situation. 

Contact El Paso Drilling For Hole Drilling Services in the Southwest 

If you need hole drilling services for your El Paso construction project, El Paso Drilling is ready to help. Whether you need utility locating, pier drilling, core drilling, or more, we’re the team to call. Call (915) 479-7060 today!