Hole Drilling in El Paso

Hole drilling is a necessity on any construction site in El Paso and the Southwest region. All too often, however, projects come to a screeching halt because the crew may not have the right capabilities to drill the holes they need. Instead of wasting time and resources, you can reach out to El Paso Drilling. We are the foremost drilling company in the Southwest region. We’ve partnered with countless sub-contractors to help them achieve the results they’re after. 

El Paso Drilling is available 24/7, so you can give us a call, day or night, and we’ll provide the solutions you need! 915-479-7060

Our Hole Drilling Services

While the term “hole drilling” may seem general, El Paso Drilling is well aware this couldn’t be further from the truth. Our team can take care of all your hole drilling needs, including:

Micropiles in El Paso

Micropiles are crucial elements in deep foundation drilling and foundation projects. These high-performance elements are made of high-strength steel casings, rebar, and grout and are most often used in areas where the ground conditions are difficult.

Micropiles allow for the structural load to be transferred through the ill-suited soil layers to the resilient, high-performance steel and grout of the micropile. They can also reach depths of up to 200 feet and can manage loads of over 200 tons.

Micropiles are often needed to:

  • Replace deteriorating foundation systems
  • Support structures that may be affected by nearby construction
  • Allow for the renovation of structures

If you need micropiles in El Paso, then give El Paso Drilling a call at 915-479-7060 today!

Utility Hole Drilling for the Southwest Region

When it comes to installing fiber, electrical, gas, and water lines, it’s necessary to keep them as safe as possible. If these utility lines become damaged, then the entire neighborhood or region could suffer. The best way to fully protect utilities from potential natural hazards and damage is by burying them underground, deep past the layer where the soil freezes. Achieving such depths requires careful planning and the right equipment. 

Hole Drilling in El paso construction site

Cost-Effective Solutions from A Reliable Drilling Team

At El Paso Drilling, we understand the intricacies of our region’s soil. As such, we can easily drill the holes you need to take your construction project to completion. Thanks to our vast fleet of drilling rigs, we can easily solve any issue that may crop up. Take a look at our fleet to learn more.

Our overall goal is to help you remain on budget and on schedule. We have over 40 years of experience drilling holes all across the Southwest region. By combining our experience along with our fleet of powerful drills, we can potentially help you cut down on your project’s overall cost! We offer free estimates so simply give us a call today to speak with one of our hole drilling professionals.