What To Expect From Low-Clearance Drilling in El Paso 

Sometimes construction projects require drilling in hard-to-reach and narrow spaces. Drilling companies use different machinery and drilling methods depending on the job site and the scope of the job. When challenging terrain or limited space is part of the equation, low clearance is the solution. 

So what can you expect from low-clearance drilling? We provide a brief overview of this technique, the equipment used, and what to look out for. 

If you need drilling in a difficult-to-reach place, remember that El Paso Drilling specializes in excavation. Not only have the crew but also the equipment to get the job done right. Connect with us to learn more

What is Low-Clearance Drilling? 

As mentioned above, low-clearance drilling involves excavation in hard-to-reach places, where the target area is narrow, surrounded by other structures, in difficult terrain, etc. This is often necessary when contractors need to drill under power lines or bridges. 

Large-scale drilling usually requires large equipment or vacuum trucks. This may not always be appropriate for all settings or work sites. It’s not always an option to park a large vehicle on the worksite—especially if it’s inside a building or in a narrow space with other structures or with restricted overhead work. When there is less overhead space, the crew needs a drill that has a shorter tower but the same amount of power. 

Where is low-clearance drilling used? 

Low-clearance drilling is categorized as restricted access drilling.  These job sites require the use of specialty drills and varying processes to ensure that property is not destroyed and the drill is completely effective. This might include: 

  • Certain geographic locations: If digging is needed in the middle of a crowded area where people walk through or congregate, this would be considered restricted access. Especially rigs are used to ensure a less destructive process and one that occupies less space. 
  • Low clearance: This category refers to job sites that have reduced overhead space, are under another structure or are otherwise restricted in space. 
  • Reduced ventilation: When drilling operations move indoors, ventilation and air quality become a major consideration of the job. The necessary exhaust ventilation or propane equipment is needed to ensure the crew and the surrounding bystanders are not affected by toxic fumes. The process is completed with special drills and careful measures to ensure safety. 
  • Uneven or unconventional surfaces. Drilling sometimes happens in marine settings, over water, or on other uneven surfaces. Projects may require drilling in rocky cliffs, wetlands, building basements, etc. These surface restraints can require specialized drilling equipment as well. 

Why Choose a Specialist with Experience in Low Clearance Drilling

As anyone in the industry will tell you, every drilling job requires special considerations. No job is the same. This is because every job differs in scope, size, timeline, material, and more. 

When it comes to jobs that are less defined or deal with hard-to-access areas or dangerous conditions, you want a contractor that understands the nuances of drilling in such a setting to maintain the safety protocols and remain efficient. At the same time, you want someone with the appropriate equipment to accommodate the restricting conditions. 

In a nutshell, you want the right machinery and the right operators to handle this complicated work. At El Paso Drilling, for example, we have specialized equipment that gets the job done in difficult areas. Our small and compact drills can assist projects that require reduced overhead space, such as indoor digs, under freeways, or bridges. 

Check out some of the specs of the two specialized drills: 

MAIT Baby Drill 

  • Max diameter: 15-24 in
  • Goes to depths of 39-49-60 ft
  • Has power of 47 HP @ 3,000 RPM 
  • Max torque: 12,999 lb-ft

Ecoline 35 Drilling Rig 

  • Max diameter of 36 inches
  • Goes to depths of 52.5 ft
  • Has power of 61 HP @ 2,300 RPM
  • Max torque of 22,1110 lbs-ft

These two drills allow for low overhead clearance with the needed accuracy and power of any other digging job. When operated correctly, the drills allow for utmost precision and efficient drilling. 

Need Low-Clearance Drilling? You Need the Right Crew and the Right Equipment

Since 1979, El Paso Drilling has provided Southwest Texas with top-notch professional drilling and excavation services. Whether it is for large or small construction projects, utility installations, or other needs, a precise and trusted drilling company keeps your project on time. 

Low-clearance drilling is a specialized drilling method needed for high-risk settings and work sites with low clearance space. 

Want to learn more about what we do here at El Paso Drilling? Call us today and learn more.